



2024-07-18 22:21:04 来源:网络


后退英文怎么读 -
后退英文是:retreat 音标是:[riˈtri:t]
你好:退的英文单词是:retreat 这个单词的音标读法如下:英[rɪˈtri:t]美[rɪˈtrit](分别标明了英式和美式音标读音)希望可以帮助你。


退休的,英语怎么翻译。 -
退休的英文:retired retired 读法 英[rɪˈtaɪəd] 美[rɪˈtaɪərd]1、adj. 退休的;退役的;幽闭的2、v. 退休(retire的过去分词)短语:retire into oneself 退隐,沉默;沉湎于自己的思想而)离群索居示例:She retired early on ac是什么。
英['retrəʊ] 美['rɛtro]adj. 复古的,重新流行的n. 制动火箭,减速火箭例:There is an olde worlde look about the clothes for summer.这些夏装看上去有复古风范。例:He'd been given a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques.他有一个很漂亮的办到此结束了?。
撤还能怎么读音是什么 -
撤只有1个读音为:chè 撤笔顺:一丨一丶一フ丶丨フ一一ノ一ノ丶释义:1、除去。2、退。3、减轻(气味、分量等)。4、姓。
鳄鱼的英文怎么说? -
4、It is actually the possession and retreat of a thundering absolute crocodile.它实际上却是一条庞然大物鳄鱼独占的栖所。5、Do you concede that there are alligators in the sewers.你是否承认水道里有鳄鱼?6、An american would be puzzled,to say the least,by a reference to an 后面会介绍。
The company organized a team building retreat for its employees.(公司为员工组织了一个团队建设的旅行。)The kids were excited to go to summer camp and make new friends.(孩子们很兴奋地去夏令营结交新朋友。)We had a birthday party for my friend and played games all night.(我们为到此结束了?。
carter怎么读 -
carter的读音:英[ˈkɑːtə]。n.马车夫。Carter的双语例句:1、Carter was dubiously convicted of shooting three white men in a bar.卡特被判定在酒吧射杀三名白人男子,这一罪名似乎站不住脚。2、He accused President Carter of vacillation and retreat.他指责卡特总统动摇还有呢?
“放弃”英文说法:abandon 读法:英[ə'bænd(ə)n] 美[ə'bændən]释义:1、n. 放任;狂热2、vt. 遗弃;放弃例句:1、Only they will not abandon me, only they will not betray.只有它们不会遗弃我,只有它们不会背叛。2、Finding himself 说完了。